13. ARTHUR4 JOHNSON, (Barnaby3,
Thomas2, William1), b ca 1641 VA m Eddy (Eady) ______.
1746-19 Aug-Barny Johnson (Co not ID) from William Dortch (Co not ID) 25
pounds current money of VA. 200A more or less on the north side of Swift Creek,
joining the mouth of a little branch, John Scott, William Hay and the creek a
patent to the sd Dortch 5 May 1742. Wit: R. Whittington, William Hay. Reg. Edge,
Co., NC Aug Ct 1746. R. Forster C CT. Hofmann, Margaret M., "Abstracts of
Deeds Edgecombe Precinct Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1732 through 1758,
Hofman, 1969, p 76. (DMJ-Note this land was transferred to Ralph Mason in 1766
by Arthur Johnson and his mother Patience Johnson. DMJ)
1761-16 Nov-Johnson, Arthur-Nathaniel Powell 700A in Edgcombe
County-Including the Vacant land between Garret Wall, William Dortch, Arthur
Johnson, Benjamin Mathews, and Davis Connel. S Jams Hall. Back of document read:
"Powell Says the within Warrant is located by his other Entery Certified by
me S Jos Moore. Hofmann, Margaret M., "The Granville District of North
Carolina 1748-1763", Volume Four, Hofmann, 1993, P 163/164.
1761-16 Nov-Johnson, Arthur-Nathaniel Powell entry 700 acres in Edgecomb Co
Including the vacant land between Garrett Wall, William Dorch, Arthur Johnson,
Benjamin Matthews, and Davis Connell (document is unsigned). Wit: (name not
given) Hofmann, Margaret M., "The Granville District of North Carolina
1748-1763", Volume Four, Hofmann, 1993, p 164.
1762-2 Aug-Johnson, Arthur-Samuwell (?) Hart entry 700A in Edgecomb Co
joining Richard Whittenton, Garrett Wall, the Swamp, William ?, William
Whitehead, and Arthur Johson. S Samuwell Hart (who signed with a mark) wit: Thos
Hill. Hofmann, Margaret M., "The Granville District of North Carolina
1748-1763", Volume Four, Hofmann, 1993,P 125.
1764-1 Feb-Johnson, Arthur-Jacob Whitehead, Jr of Edgecombe Co. to Jacob
Whitehead of same 20 lbs VA 400 acres which was part of Granville Grant to sd
Jacob Whitehead dated 1761, on the south side of Beach run, joining Wm Taylor.
Wit. Mathew Sellers, Wm Dorch, Saml Hart, Arthur Johnson. Jan Ct 1766 Jas Hall
CC. P 83. Bradley, Jr, Dr Stephen E., "Edgecombe County, North Carolina
Deeds, Volume 1: 1759-1768", Deed BK C p 381.
1764-27 Jan-Johnson, Arthur-William Whitehead & his wife Abba of Halifax
Co to Moses Cox of Edgecombe Co. 150A by to sd Whitehead 25 Mar 1748, on the
north side of Swift Creek, joining Arthur Johnson. Wit. Samuel Sorsby, Jno
Whitaker Apr Ct 1765. Bradley, Jr, Dr Stephen E., "Edgecombe County, North
Carolina Deeds, Volume 1: 1759-1768", p 76. Deed BK C p 312.
1766-26 Aug-Johnson, Arthur to Ralph Mason. 106 lbs 5 shillings. 200 acres by
patent to Wm Dorch 5 May 1742, on the north side of Swift Creek, joining Moses
Cook. Wit: Also signed by Patience Johnson the mother of sd Arthur. Wit: Nathl
Powell, Wm Blackburn. Oct 1766 Court Jas Hall CC. Bradley, Jr, Dr Stephen E.,
"Edgecombe County, North Carolina Deeds, Volume 1: 1759-1768", P 85.
Deed BK C p 402.
(DMJ-This land was sold to Barny Johnson in 1746 by William Dortch. Since
Arthur’s mother signed this deed also and it had been Barny Johnson land then
Barny must have been the father of Arthur Johnson. DMJ)
1786-3 Feb-Arthur Johnston & Eddy his wife for 200 pounds to Josiah Brown
200A on both sides Hectors Creek. Athur "A" Johnston Eady
"X" Johnston. Cumberland Co., NC Deed BK 8 p 167.
Probable Children of Arthur Johnson and Eddy ______. NOT PROVEN AT THIS TIME:
+ 15.. (i) Simon Johnston did he marry Hester Matthews dau of Joseph and Ann
Matthews Note: Cumberland Co., NC Will 1791 Joseph Matthews.
+ 16. (iii) Tapley Johnston n Liddy _______.
14. BARNABAS4 JOHNSON, (Barnaby3, Thomas2,
William1), b 1753 Edgecombe Co., North Carolina d June 1836 in Warren
Co., TN He married wife unknown. Barnabas "Barnaba" "Barney"
"Barnaby" Johnston/Johnson from his Revolutionary Pension application
was born in 1753 in Edgecomb Co, VA (NC) obviously error as no Edgecomb Co., VA.
While residing in Cumberland Co., NC he volunteered about 1 May 1776. After
Revolution, he lived for a few years in Cumberland Co., NC, then moved to
Johnston Co., NC where he lived for several years; then moved back to Cumberland
Co., NC, where he remained until about 1827, when he moved to the State of
Tennessee. He was allowed pension on 8 Oct 1833 while living in Warren Co., TN.
In the deeds whether he was selling land or witnessing a deed he signed his mark
and it was a B. (DMJ)
1778-23 July-Barney "B" Johnson witness to deed David Winfree to
Arthur Johnson, Miller, of Cumberland Co., NC on C…. River on both side of
Hector Creek. Other witness William Whittington Proven April Court 1783
Cumberland Co., NC. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 7 p 115. (DMJ)
1783-13 Oct-Grant by State of NC 200A to Arthur Johnston in Cumberland Co.
both sides of Hectors Creek on Mark Robertsons line and his own line. Cumberland
Co, NC Deeds Vol 7 p 369. (DMJ)
1783-13 Oct-Grant 40 by State of NC to Arthur Johnston 200A Cumberland Co.,
both sides Hectors Creek on Mark Robertsons. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 7 p
370. (DMJ)
1784-Nov-Grant by NC to Simon Johnston 50A in Cumberland Co., NC joining his
own line & Benj Womacks line. Cumberland Co, NC Deeds Vol 10 p 248. (DMJ)
1784-6 Dec 1784-Grant by NC to Simon Johnston 150A in Cumberland Co., NC on
B____ joining his own line on Jacob Matthews line for fifty _____. Cumberland
Co., NC Deeds Vol 10 p 247. (DMJ)
1789-18 May -Grant 5 by NC for 10 pounds to Barnaby Johnston land Cumberland
on Hectors Creek Joining his own line. Begin SW side of Rocky Branch containing
………. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 10 p 160 (DMJ)
1789-18 May-Grant 629 by NC to Tapley Johnston 100A in Cumberland Co., NC on
Little Creek his own line. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 10 p 161.
1789-18 May-Grant for 50 shilling to Tapley Johnston in Cumberland Co., NC
containing… on Coopers Branch near certain Pond. Begin James Hailes line.
Cumberland Co., NC Deed Vol 10 p 162. (DMJ)
1790 Census Cumberland Co., NC Fayette Dist. Barnaby Johnston 1WMO16, 5WMU16,
3WF; Tapley Johnston 1WMO16, 1WMU16, 3WF, 2 Slaves; Arthur Johnston 1WMO16,
2WMU16, 5WF, 1Slave. Simon Johnston 1WMO16, 2WMU16, 5WM.(DMJ)
1790-Census Northampton Co., NC Halifax Dist-Barnabas Johnston 2WMO16, 5WF, 6
Slaves; Barnabas Johnston Jr 1WMO16, 4WMU16, 1WF. Obviously not our Barnabas as
ours in Cumberland Co., NC
1791-9 Nov-Arthur Johnson Cumberland Co., NC to Taple Johnson of the Co for 50
pounds land on Hectors Creek..near old ford on Tapl Johnson’s old line to mark
Robinson’s line. Witn. Jacob Matthews Junr & Olif "-.-" Johnson.
Arther "A" Johnson Court June 1816 Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 28 p
1792-5 Apr-William Rand to Barnaba Johnston both of Cumberland Co., NC sum of
__ pounds of VA money ____ land ____A known by name of St (K?) ogg yard _____
near pond branch. Wit: James Atkins & ____ Morgan. W. Rang July 1797 Court.
Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 16 p 299.(DMJ)
1792-11 Apr-Elizabeth Johnson of Cumberland Co., NC appoint Stephen Johnson
of Northampton Co., NC my lawful attorney_____ sums of money, legacies---owing
to me the said Elizabeth Johnson in Commonwealth of VA. Witn: Henry
"X" Johnson & Nicholas Jarral. Elizabeth "X" Johnston
Apr Term Court 1796. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 16 p 52.(DMJ)
1792 Nov-Grant ?901 for 50 shilling to Tapley Johnston 100A Cumberland Co.,
NC on middle prong of Buces Creek. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 15 p 271.(DMJ)
1793-15 Feb-Arthur Johnson of Cumberland Co., NC to Henry Stephenson of the
County…for 120 pounds for survey of 320A of land being part of larger survey
on Hectors Creek. Witn: John Urquhart & Barnaba Johnson. Arthur
"A" Johnston April Term Court 1804.(DMJ)
1793-14 Sep-John Warner of Cumberland Co., NC planter to Authur Johnston
Planter of County 100 pounds 300A in all ? part they adjoining each other in
Cumberland Co on Black River being 250A the other hundred acres joining the
above said lnad….in above said line formerly called William Taylors line on
Rubens branch. Witn: Benjamin "X" Johnston & Tellah "X"
Warner. John Warner Court July 1795. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 14 p 394. (DMJ)
1794-Dec-Elizabeth Russell of Cumberland Co., NC to Tapley Johnston of same
Co on Hectors Creek including the gristmill formerly belonging to Robert Russell
decd & since become the property of said Elizabeth Russell….being the 10A
of land that said Robert Russell purchased of Arthur Joh_____ with the said
gristmill ___ that the said Arther Johnson give the sd Russell for the same to
have to hold use & occupy. Wit: ____ Atkins & James Hails. Elizabeth
Russell Oct term Court 1796. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 16 p 154.(DMJ)
1797-11 Feb-Arthur Johnston of Cumberland Co., NC to Tapley Johnston for 15
pounds 100A being ˝ survey of 200A lying in sd Co on Hectors Creek..bounded…made
by Arther & Rob’t Russell…S17E then S20W26 chains then N70W26 chains to
Mark Robinsons ? then N20E. Wit: Jarad Folsom & Joseph Publes. Arthur
"A" Johnston. April 1798 Term Court.Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 14 p
1797-16 Feb-Jacob Johnston of Cumberland Co., NC to Tapley Johnston same Co
for 56 pounds 100A on Waters Thoralor? Creek including Plantation wheron said
Jacob now dwells bounded___. Wit: Jas Atkins & Barnaba "B"
Johnston. Jacob "X" Johnston Jan 1798 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC
Deeds Vol 13 p 298.(DMJ)
1798-5 Apr-Grant 1467 NC for 30 shillings to Barnaba Johnston 100A in
Cumberland Co., NC on Waters Hectors Creek. Begin at Red Oak a corner of
Colliers land…N89E20 chains N1W30Chains & 50 links S89W35Chains 60 links
S1E25Chains N89E15Chains 60 links. Entered 5 Apr 1792. Cumberland Co., NC
Deeds Vol 15 p 271.(DMJ)
1798-29 Nov-Tapley Johnston of Cumberland Co., NC for 33 pounds six shillings
to Henry Stephenson 150A on middle prong ?_____. Witn. John Urquhart, Lewis
Atkins & Jas Atkins. Tapley Johnston. April
1799 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 17 p 270.
1800 Cumberland Co., NC Census-Order Daniel Stewart; Stephen Pope; Lewis
Atkins; Barborn Atkins; Barnabas Johnston 1WMO45, 1WF26-45, 1WM16-26, 1WM10-16,
1WMU10, 1WF10-16; Tapley Johnston 1WMO45,1WFO45, 2WM10-16, 1WF10-16; 1WMU10,
1WFU10; Abraham Carter; William Dolby; Hardy Matthews 1WMO45, 1WF26-45,
1WM16-26, 1WM10-16, 2WF10-16, David Matthews 1WM26-45, 1WF26-45, 1WM10-16,
2WMU10, 2WFU10; Elizabeth Johnston 1WFO45, 2WM26-45, 1WF26-45, 1WM10-16;
Benjamin Beard; Nicholas Prince.(DMJ)
1800-29 Apr-Sheriff Cumberland Co., NC to Simon Johnston for taxes due for
1799 as to property heirs of John Smith 30A. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 21 p
1801-17 Feb-Nathan Prince of Cumberland Co., NC to Barnabas Johnston of same
Co for 30 pounds 200A waters of Mill Creek. Wit: John Urquard & W. Hardy.
Nathan Prince. Oct 1801 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 18 p 497. (DMJ)
1801-17 Feb-Nathan Prince to Barnaba Johnston for 15 pounds both of
Cumberland Co., NC 100A in Cumberland Co. on Mill Creek. Wit: John Urguhard
& W Hardy. Nathan Prince. Oct 1801 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol
18 p 497. (DMJ)
1801-11 Apr-Barnabas Johnson of Cumberland Co., NC to Henry Stephenson of
same Co for 15 pounds 30A in Co on Hectors Creek joining the said Stephenson.
Wit: John Urquhart & ____ ____. Barnabas Johnston. Oct 1804 Term Court.
Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 20 p 261.(DMJ)
1802-25 __-Tapley Johnston of Cumberland Co., NC to Jacob Mathews for 45
pounds 150A in Co on waters B____ Creek. Wit: Jacob Mathews Senr & Simon
Mathews. Tapley Johnson Court 1808. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 25 p 74.(DMJ)
1804-16 Jan-John Watson of Cumberland Co., NC to Hardy Johnson of same Co for
400 pounds tract of land side Beech Run containing 640A also one other parcel of
land purchased by the said John Watson 22 July 1774. Wit: James Pritchet &
William Watson. John Watson Mary Watson. Feb 1804 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC
Deeds Vol 20 p 88.(DMJ)
1804-16 Jan-Hardy Johnson of Cumberland Co., NC to William Johnson of same Co
sum of (5?) shillings land on Black River…purchased from John Watson
containing 300A. wit: James Pritchet & Wm Watson. Hardy Johnson Rebeakah
"X" Johnson. Feb 1804 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 20 p
1805-15 Aug-Hardy Johnston of Cumberland Co., NC to his son Silas Johnson for
love & affection 200A being part of 600A Hardy Johnston bought of John
Watson on E side of Black River. Wit: John B Moore & Willm H. ____. Hardy
"E" Johnston. Oct 1805 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 22 p
1810 Cumberland Co., NC Census ?Dist 8-P 585-Joseph Butler; Harbert Johnston
1WM26-45, 1WF26-45, 1WF16-26, 2WMU10; Matthew Brown, Jeremiah Holmes, Montillian
Sexton, David Stuart, John Stuart, Reuben Stuart, Timothy
Fortuslove, Barnabas Johnston 1WM45U, 1WM16-26, 1WF16-26; P 586Elisha Brown
George Stuart,; Frederick Seaborn; Benjamin Edwards 19 down; P 587 Elijah Tedder;
Robert Colvil; Elijah Watson; Isem Prince; William Dolby; Howel M Kenny; Lewis
Robinson; Stephen Pope; Tapley Johnson 1WM45U, 1WF45U, 1WM16-26, 2WF16-26,
1WM10-16, Jonathan Stephenson; James Atkins; Amos Morgan; Thomas Spain; Joseph
Johnston 1WM16-26, 1WF16-26, 1WMU10, 1WFU10; George Anderson; Roderick Stevens;
James Stephens; Daniel McDonals; Daniel Booker; Elijah Brazer; Barnabas Johnston
1WM16-26, 1WF16-26, 1WMU10, 1WFU10; Littleton Howar; P 588; Mary Sexton; William
Pegram…..;-P 591-Aaron Moore; James Layton; William Johnson 1WM26-45,
1WF26-45, 3WMU10, 1WFU10; Abel Moore Senr; Matthew Whitehead; William Moore;
Hardy Johnston 1WM45U, 1WF45U, 1WM16-26, 1WF16-26; Beerely Ingram; William
Murphy; Jesse Murphy; Jesse Catton;……P 592 William Hilton; James Harvel H of
M; Robert Whitehead; Thader Parker; Richard Johnston 1WM45U; 1WF26-45; 2WN16-26,
3WF10-16, 2WMU10, 2WFU10; William Stansil;…..P 599 Simon 1WM45U,
1WF26-45, 1WF16-26, 1WF10-16, !WMU10. (DMJ)
1812-12 Aug-Tapley Johnston Senr of Cumberland Co., NC to William Johnson son
of the aforesaid Tapley Johnson 532 1/2A more or less….to Coopers Branch to
hectors Branch….Long Life Bottom. Wit:Wm Dolby, Aulsey Mathews, & Henry W.
Rhodes. Tapley Johnson. Sep 1812 Term Court. Proven by Henry W. Rhodes.
Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 27 p 48.(DMJ)Johnson
1814-26 Mar-Tapley Johnson Senr of Cumberland Co., NC to Tapley Johnson Junr
son of the aforesaid Tapley Johnson Senr…. To said aforesaid Tapley Johnson
Junr after my death and after th death of Liddy Johnson my wife land…to
Stephen jopes line… mark Christians line to Little Creek 535 ˝ A. Wit: Henry
W Rhodes, Wm Pegram & William Johnson. Tapley Johnson. Cumberland Co., NC
Deeds Vol 28 p 665.(DMJ)
1817-8 Feb-Barnaba Johnson Senr & Ollif Urquhart of Cumberland Co., NC to
Jesse Gilbert for $75. Land on Mill Creek containing 100A. Test: Herbet Johnson
& John "X" Spence. Olive "E" Urquhart Barnaba
"B" Johnson Mar 1826 Term Court proven by Herbert Johnson. Cumberland
Co., NC Deed Vol 36 p 217.(DMJ)
1818-16 Jan-Tapley Johnson Senr of Cumberland Co., NC to Tapley Johnson Junr
for love & good will I have for my Watery Branch
(Hectors Creek) 200A adjoining the former tract. Wit: Henry W Rhodes &
Tapley Johnson Junr. Tapley Johnson Mar 1818 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC
Deeds Vol 28 p 987.(DMJ)
1818-19 Jan-Simon Johnson of Cumberland Co., NC to Barnaba Johnson of said Co
for love and good will I have for my son Barnaba Johnson. I give one certain
tract of land in Cumberland Co., NC situate on the W side of Neals Creek
Containing 89A. Wit: Henry W. Rhodes & Tapley Johnson Junr. Simon
"Z" Johnson. Mar 1819 Term of Court porven by Tapley Johnson Jr.
Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 31 p 324.(DMJ)
1819-1 Feb 1819-Barnaba Johnson of Johnston Co., NC to Timothy Spence of
Cumberland Co., NC for $900. 2 parcels of land on Pawn Branch.….Harbert
Johnston corner Begin 250A …in Russell line…in Ann Varnes line containing
135A. Wit: Harbert Johnson. Barnaba "B" Johnston. Mar 1819 Term Court
proven by Harbert Johnson. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 31 p 329.(DMJ)
son of the aforesaid Tapley Johnson land 100A more or less being ˝ of
200A survy patented by William Rand being Abraham Carters corner….new line
agreed by Tapley Johnson & Stephen Pope. Wit: Henry W. Rhodes & Barney
Johnson. Tapley Johnson. Mar 1818 Term Court. Cumberland Co., NC Deeds Vol 28 p
1818-17 Jan-Tapley Johnson of Cumberland Co., NC to Sally Johnson for love
& regard I have for my daughter the sd Sally Johnson… two tracts of land….in
James Hails line….200A othere tract near the
1819-27 May-Lucy Johnson Single woman of this Co having sworn a base born
child to Barnaba Johnson by him begotten of her body, when said Banaba Johnson
came into Court and entered into Bond in the sum 200 with James Johnson and
Isaac Johns his securties to endemnify the County ordered she be allowed of Ten
Dollars for lying in Month and Ten Dollars annually for seven years to commence
from the date hereof. P 24 Haun, Weynette Parks, "Johnston County North
Carolina County Court Minutes 1819 thru 1822 Book XI.
1820-Census Cumberland Co., NC Dist 1 p 143-James Gilbert; Jonathan Stephens;
Elizabeth Dolby; William Parker; Stephen Pope; Mathews Bullock; John Matthews;
Mary Carter; Tapley Johnson 1WM45U, 1WF26-45, 1WF16-26,1WM10-16; William Johnson
1WM26-45,1WF26-45, 1WMU10; Mary Beard; John Gilbert; Isham Prince; William
Blalock; David Matthews; Barnabas Johnson 1WM26-45, 1WF26-45, 1WM10-16,
2WF10-16, 2WMU10, 2WFU10;
1820-Census Johnston Co., NC-Fayette Dist-Order-John Leach,;
John Jones; William Stephenson; Burt L Stephenson; Starling Johnson
1WM45U, 1WF45U, 1WF16-26, 1WM16-26, 2WF10-16, 1WMU10, 1WFU10; West Johnson;
Martin Johnson; Reuben Johnson, Rebecca Johnson, Amos Johnson, Abell Johnson,
James Johnson Senr; Drury Johnson; Willie Johnson; Henry Johnson; James Johnson
Junr; James Johnson 3rd;; Barnaby Johnson-2WMU10, 1WM26-45, 1WM45U,
1WFU10, 1WM16-26,; Jacob Johnson; Amos Johnson; Demsey Boon; John Smith; George
Parish; Benjamin Carrill; Barnady Blackman.
1830 Censu Warren Co., TN-Order-Arch Sellers; Arch Sellers; Thos Noaks; John P.
Walker; Iron Bullard; Benj Bullard; Barnabas Johnson-2WMU5, 2WM5-10, 1WM10-15,
1WM40-50, 1WM60-70, 1WF15-20, 1WF30-40.
It appears to me that Arthur, Barnaba, and Tapley Johnston had close
relationship. They witnessed each others deeds named children the same names. I
have thought that Barnaba and Tapley were brothers with possibility that Simon
Johnson was also related. (DMJ) Children unproven at this time. Children of
Barnabas Johnson and Unknown are:
+ 16. (i) MALE5 JOHNSON b ca 1776
+ 17. (ii) MALE5 JOHNSON b ca 1778
+ 18. (iii) BARNABAS5 JOHNSON b 1780 Cumberland
Co., NC.
+ 19. (iv) MALE5 JOHNSTON b ca 1782 Cumberland Co.,
+ 20. (v) FEMALE5 JOHNSTON b ca 1784 Cumberland
Co., NC
+ 21. (vi) FEMALE5 JOHNSTON b ca 1786 Cumberland
Co., NC
+ 22 (vii) MALE5 JOHNSTON b ca 1788 Cumberland Co.,
+ 23. (vii) HARDY5 JOHNSTON b 1790 Cumberland Co.,
+ 24. (vii) MALE5 JOHNSTON b ca 1788 Cumberland Co., NC