The following special orders are found in Will Book 7, Smith Co.,
TN starting on page 295.
Orders 1st Tenn Mounted Infty March
1864 Carthage
HeadQuarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn March 24th 1864
Special Order No. 1.
James W. Wright orderly Sergeant of Captain Dowdys Co D is hereby
appointed Sergeant Major for the 1st Tenn Mtd Infty and will be relieved
from further duties in said
pr By Order
of Murlin A. E.
Garrett Adjt
Lt Col Comdy Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn Apr 1st 1864
Special Order No.
David Hall Private Co D is hereby detailed as cook in Regimental Hospital and
will be relieved from further duty in said Co until further
pr By order
of Murlin
A. E.
Lt Col Comdy Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt
Carthage Tenn April 2nd
Lt John H. James A2M
Sir the Regimental Roll for our command we threw negligence left within your
office. I will Lieutenant be under obligation to you if you will forward them by
the Captain of the Steamer M. V. Baird.
I am
your very respectfully your _________
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdty
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt
Carthage Tenn April 2nd
Order No 3
Byram N. Seagraves Private of Captain Bonhams Co E is hereby detailed as orderly for HeadQuarters and will be relieved
from further duties in his Company until further
pr By Order
of Murlin
A. E. Garrett
1st Lt Adjt
Lt Col Comdty Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn April 13
Order No
Deeming it essential to the service of the U. S. The Col Commanding directs
that Captain Randolph Botts A. Q employ Saml B. Livingston of the County of
Macon, State of Tenn Co Master Armorer for the benefit of the troops at this
Post with such pay and allowances as the Captain may
pr By Order
of Murlin
1st Lt Adjt
Lt Col Comdty Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn April 4th 1864
Order No
Captains Pennington & Cooper you will furnish for provost guards
from your respective Cos as follows viz Capt Cooper 9 men Capt Pennington 10 men
to report to the provost mars
pr By Order
of ____k
Lt Col Comdty Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn April 4th 1864
Order No 6
To prevent the disorder and confusion arising from the absence of Commanders
from their Companies. It is hereby ordered that each and every Company Commander
will with their subalterns repair to his command and remain and be with them
unless by special permit from his Regimental Commander until further orders. A violation of this will subject the intruder
By Order of A E
Lt Col Comdty Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn April 6th 1864
Order No
James K. Zachary Private Co D is hereby detailed as orderly for Head Qrs and
will be relieved from further duty in said Co until further
pr By Order
of L M A E
Lt Co. Comdty Regt
Head Quarter 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn April 6th 1864
Special Order No.
Sergeant M N Jackson you will with ten men pursue a detachment of Col Stokes
Command and arrest and return to this Post without delay Wesley Mitchell William
Curley Wilkinson and Nuell Johnson and all others who may belong to this
command. You will report to Head Qrs By Order of Lt Col Garretts.
B Collom
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Apl 7th 1864
Special Order No 9
Capt F M Anderson You will immediately with your Company remove to the Camp
and remain in Camp with your men and see that your officers do also.
pr By Order
of Clerk
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters U S Forces
Carthage Apl 8th 1864
Adjutant Gen Gillen
Sir, I have the Honor to respectfully forward for your consideration Charges and
Specifications against Capt F M Anderson Co C 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Charge 1st Violation 7th Art War
Charge 2 Violation 9th Art War
All of which can be clearly established by competent witnesses. I Gen.
would recommend that he be punished to the extent of the regulations perscribed.
I am Genl very respectfully your obedient servant A E Garret Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage April 8 1864
Order No 10
Corpl James S Palmer, Co C is hereby appointed Regimental Commisary Sergt and
will be released from further duty in said Co until further
pr By Order of Murlin
Lt Col Comdg
Head Quarter U S Forces
Carthage Tenn Apl 8 1864
Order No 11
Each and every Co Commander is hereby ordered to repair with each and every
man of his command to the camp established on the plain opposite Culloms
Orchard. A noncompliance with this order will subject the officer to
Murlin A. E. Garrett
Adjt Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters U. S. Forces
Carthage April 8th 1864
Special Order No 12
Captain F M Anderson Co C 1st Tenn mtd Infty is hereby placed in arrest and
will remain in and about his quarters until further
pr By Order of Murlin A. E. Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn Apl 9 1864
Special Order No 1
It is hereby ordered by the Col Commanding that Company Officers remain in
Camp with their men and see that their men do not leave Camp without a pass from
their Company Commander. That not more than 2 men absent from any Company at one
time unless on Duty. This order does not affect those who are excused from duty
by the Post Sg
pr By Order of Wright A. E. Garrett
Sgt Maj Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn Apl 10 1864
Special Order No 13
Capt. E. Pennington Co. B is hereby placed in command of the Camp. He will be
___ until further orders.
By order of
A. E. Garrett
Lt. Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage Tenn Apl 10, 1864
Special Order No 14
Lt L N Woodside is hereby ordered to proceed immediately with two men to
Nashvile, Tenn for the purpose of procuring Arms, Camp and Garrison Equipage for
this Co. He will return as soon as practicable.
A E Garrett
Lt. Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Special Order No 15
Each and every one of the several Co Commanders will examine and report to
the Office of the Post Surgeon all men who have scabs on them produced by
vaccination. They will also report to the Post Surgeon all men who have not been
well vaccinated for the purpose of being vaccinated.This order must be complied with immediately.
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Special Order No
All Citizens and contrabands of Carthage and in the vicinity. Particularly
within the Federal lines are hereby required to report themselves immediately to
the Post surgeon for vaccination.
The Provost Marshall will see that this order is strictly enforced.
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Special Order No 17
Sergeant Gammon and Ser Davis Co E are hereby detailed to work on Government
Baking. Other Companies will detail as follows viz Capt Cooper 3 men; Lt
Clements 4 men Lt Woodside 4 men.
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage April 11, 1864
Special Order No. 18
It is hereby ordered by the Col. Comdg that each and every Commander below
mentioned hold in readiness at any hour well armed mounted and equipped with
plenty of ammunition and three days rations the following Nos. of our men
respectively as follows, viz.
Capt. McKee's Co. A-50 Men.
Capt. Pennington's Co B-20 Men.
Capt. Anderson's Co C-35 Men.
Capt. Dowdy's Co. D-40 Men.
Capt. Bonham's Co. E-65 Men.
A. E. Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage April 12, 1864
Special Order No. 19
Lt. John M. Craig is hereby ordered to proceed with ten men armed and not
mounted to the vicinity of Granville, Tenn, for the purpose of recruiting his
company, he is directed to keep his men together and see that they commit no
depredations upon th person or property of any Citizen. He will return
with his Command within 4 days..
A. E. Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage April 12, 1864
Special Order No 20
Each amd ever one of the several Company Commanders will turn over to the
regimental Quarter Mr. immediately all captured property. Horse Mules,
Arms, or any other captured property in their possession.
A. E. Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage April 22,
Special Order No
Oliver Durham, Private Co. G is hereby detailed as nurse in Hospital and will be
relieved from further duty in said Co. until further orders.
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage April 22,
Special Order No
Robert McClearary,
Private Co A
Robert Mansell,
Private Co B
Wm Mass, Private
Joel L. Reagan,
Sergt Co
and John R. Talent,
Private Co E
are hereby appointed Horse Farriers for their respective Companies and will be
relieved from further duty in said Companies.
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt
Carthage April 22,
Special Order No
Mitchell A. Dickens, 1st Sergt Co A is hereby appointed Regtl Horse Farrier
& will be relieved from further duty in said Co.
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infty
Carthage April 23,
Special Order No
Jesse Robinson, you are hereby ordered to take the blind children Mary Cardwell
and Hall Cardwell and clothe them and see that they are well cared
A refusal to do this will subject you to arrest. The Negroes belonging to
Sarah Cardwell will as soon as it can be made pay the said Robinson for taking
care of the children in produce up to that time and furnish him supplies still
to take care of the children.
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Adjutant Gen'ls Office
State of Tennessee
Nashville, Tenn
April 23, 1864
Lieut Co A E Garrett
Comd Post at Carthage
The Adjutant
General of Tennessee directs that you dispatch th Steamer M. V. Baird to this
place immediately with a guard of twenty-five men for the purpose of escorting a
pay master to Carthage, You will Apply to Col Stokes for the necessary
escort. I am (Col) very respectfully your obdt servant
Edward S. Richard Adj Gen
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infy
Carthage April 24, 1864
Special Order No
Commanders of the different Cos are hereby forbidden to take steps towards the
election of May or agitate the subject in any way until further
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infy
Carthage April 28,
Special Order
S. N. Bryan, Craig's Co is hereby detailed as nurse in Hospital and will be
relieved from further duty in said Co until further orders.
A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infy
Carthage April 30, 1864
Sergeant Swearington
Now under arrest,
is charged with the following charges, viz.
Charge 1st
Violation of the 9th Art War
Charge 2d
Violation of the 21st Art War.
A E Carrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
P. S. Your case will be investigated as soon as a Regimental Court Martial
can be called at least within 5 days.
Murlin A E Garrett
Adjt Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infy
Carthage April 30th 1864
Special Order No 28
Capt F M Anderson Co C is hereby released from arrest for the present and placed
in command of his Company.
By order of A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infy
Carthage April 30,
Special Order No 29
Each and every Company Commander will have his company on inspection at 2oclk P M
to muster. The Company Commanders will also make to this office
immediately a report of arms, ammunition and all other ordance stores, horses,
quarter ms stores, Camp and garrison
By Order of
Murlin A E Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt
Head Quarters U S Forces
Granville May 1, 1864
Col Garrett Sir
The Col Comdg
directs I send you Don Brooks, J. E. Cates, and Thomas F. Will of your command
and request you to prefer charges and see that they are propertly punished for
their misconduct. By Order of
Col. W B
Head Quarters 1st Tenn Mt Infy
Carthage May 2, 1864
Special Order No 30
Capt Dowdy, Capt McKee, Capt Pennington, Lt Wright & Lt Woodside are hereby
ordered to report at this office at 9 oclk A M tomorrow to sit upon a regimental
A. E. Garrett
Lt Col Comdg Regt