BAIN possible marriage to MARY
ANN SPENCER dau of John Spencer and Nancy Ann Kerr. Alexander is probable brother of Archibald Bain who married Sarah
Spencer sister of Mary Spencer.
1813-7 Oct-Alexander Bain made land entry 11566 for 20A in Smith Co., TN on
waters of Smith Fork. Survey 4 Feb 1814 and Survey Chain Carriers were Elijah
& John Spencer. TN Record Group 50 Survey Bk G p 12.
1813-1815-Burel Driver vs Alex Baine p 161 [prig 249] Smith Co., TN Court Minute
1814-Jacob Overall Survey-Entry 12301 Mar 4, 1814 Survey 90A Smith Co. waters
Smith Fork on Hannahs Creek which empties into Smith Fork above Cedar Knob.
Begin Sugar Tree Sampson Williams E line where it crosses sd branch S80P
sugartree & W. Ash E142P 2 hornbeams John Davis line with it N101 8/10P Ash
W142P to Buck & W. Oak S21 4/10P 22 Apr 1814. Patrick McEachern DS Filed 13
June 1814 SCC John Reynolds & Archibd Bane. This survey shows Archibald Bane
in same area as Alexander Bain. Early TN Land Records Record Group 50
Survey BK G pgs 275/6.
1814-Jacob Overall Survey. Entry 12300 4 Mar 1814 on Smith Fork Begin 13A survey
sd Overall which includes Walter Beans Powder Mills E176 1/2P 2 sugartrees N81
1/2P to W Oak dogwood W176 1/2P past Bakers to Elm Spencer corner & in
Bakers lines with Banes line to & past his corner 81 1/2P. 24 Mar 1814.
Patrick McEachern DS filed 13 June 1814 SCC Walter Bean & John Reynolds.
Early TN Land Records Record Group 50 Survey BK G pgs 276. This shows that Bains
and Spencers lived next to each other. Also Powder mills were probably gunpowder
1816-13 May-Alexr Baine & Archd Baine on Jury-Smith Co., TN Court Minute
1816-16 &17 May 1816 13 & 14 Au 1816 Alexander Bane on Jury. Smith Co.,
TN Court Minute Book 1815-1817 pages 98, 130, 156 & 174.
1816-12 Nov-Alexander Bane vs John Reynolds Def to take depo George &
Pleasant Fite, Joseph Drew & Moses Spencer. Smith Co., TN Court Minute Book
1815-1817 pgs 205-206.
1817-13 May-Alexander Bane on Jury Smith Co., TN Court Minute Book 1815-1817 p
1817-15 &16 May Alexander Bane vs John Reynolds. Walter Bean released on his
bail for Plt and Isaac A. Dale & William D. Gowne gave bail for Plt. Jury
awarded Plt damages $1377.75. Smith Co., TN Court Minute Book 1815-1817 p 315.
1841-2 Feb-Alexander Bayne to Thomas Simpson for $80.00 land W. Side of dry fork
of Smith Fork N80P W100P being 50A more or less where I now live. Alexander
"X" Bayn witn: Gilbert Williams & Peter R. Simpson. DeKalb Co., TN
Deed BK B pgs 250-251.
1841-5 Feb-George W. Bayne to Alexander Bayne for $1 all my land DeKalb Co. beg
William Blantons line SE corner S my SE corner on Rubin Evans E. line N sd Evans
line William Flaves SW corner E sdi Flaves S line 94A is made on condition I pay
sd Alexander Bayne $82.00 with interest by 6 Feb 1841. Wit: Rubin Evans Joshua
Brantten. DeKalb Co., TN Deed BK A pgs 588-589.
1820 Smith Co., TN Census
Alexander Bain
1WM26-45-b 1755-1774
1WF 26-45-b 1755-1774
2 WM 10-16-b 1804-1810
1WMU10-b 1810-1820
5WF U10-b 1810-1820
1WF45U b bef 1855.
Archibald Bain
1WM45U-b before 1775
1WF 26-45 b 1775-1794
2WF10-16 b 1804-1810
Martin Bain
1WM26-45- b 1775-1794
1WF26-45 b 1775-1794
2WF16-26 b 1794-1804
3WMU10 b 1810-1820
1WFU10 b 1810-1820
1830 Smith Co., TN Census-Order-1841 Nathaniel West; 1842-Benjamin Blade; 1843
Gideon B. York; 1844-Jesse Jones; 1845-Nancy Burton; 1846-Berman Gossett;
1847-William Goggins; 1848-Alexander Bayne; 1849-Thomas Evans; 1850;Tillman
Bethel; 1851-Onesimus Evans; 1852-William Derrickson; 1853-John B.Daugherty;
1854-Leonard Lamberson; 1855-Thomas Whaley; 1866-Nathan Evans; 1857-Elijah
Whaley; 1858-Joseph Evans; 1859-Robert Malone; 1860-Josiah Reynolds; 1861-Dodson
Alexander Bayne
1WM40-50 b 1780-1790
3WM10-16-b 1814-1820
2WF10-16-b 1814-1820
2WMU5-b 1825-1830
1840-DeKalb Co., TN Census Order-p 237-John Wilson; Bias Wilson; John Bayne;
Samuel Ford; Harrison Bayne; Joseph Clark; William Pistole; John Turner; down 11
Sophia Givans, Moses Allen, Abraham Overall; p 238-Eleck Bayne; Poindexter
Joins; Moses Spencer; William Boyd; Moses Fite; John Milton; Matthew Griffith;
William Robertson; William William Williams; Eleck Robertson.
Eleck Bayne
1WM60-70-b 1770-1780
1WM20-30-b 1810-1820
1WM15-20-b 1820-1825
1850-DeKalb Co., TN Census Dist 2
210-Alexander Bayne 75 M Farmer b VA
Mary 60 F b NC
Henry 18 M Farmer-School b TN
1857-29 Sep 1857-Mary A. Bayn Widow of Alexander Bayn & James A. Bayn to
Harrison Bayn 19A. DeKalb Co., TN Deed BK G pgs 132-133. I believe this is dower
interest of widow and James A. Bayn’s interest in dower.
1857-30 Sept-I have this day bargained and sold unto Daniel Smith, all the
wright title and interest that I have in and to my father’s Alexander Bain’s
Estate… Matilda Bain and James Spencer, Matilda Spencer swears that she was
not persuaded to sell her interest in the estate. p 30 DeKalb Co., TN Settlement
Book 1854-1865 by Betty Moore Majors, "DeKalb County, Tennessee Genealogy
From Administrator’s Settlement Books 1846-1907", Mountain Press, Signal
Mountain, TN, 1992
1858-Apr-William Blackburn receipt for $130.00, funds arising from the sale of
the real estate of Alexander Baine dec’d. p 27 DeKalb County, TN Settlement
Book 1854-1865. by Betty Moore Majors, "DeKalb County, Tennessee Genealogy
From Administrator’s Settlement Books 1846-1907", Mountain Press, Signal
Mountain, TN, 1992.
1859-26 Jan-John W. Bayne to Harrison Bayne his 1/12th interest in
dower of Mary Ann Bayne widow of Alexander Bayne. DeKalb Co., TN Deed BK G pgs
295-296. It appears to me that Alexander still had twelve children living at the
time of his death and in 1859.
1859-1 Nov- Recd of M. T. Martin, Clerk and commissioner in the cause of Wm
Blackburn, administrator of Alexander Bane, Dec’d vs H. Bane and others,
$3.17, the distributive share of Zenith Crips and Polly Crips of said estate of
Alexander Bane dec’d. p 30 DeKalb Co., TN Settlement Book 1854-1865 by Betty
Moore Majors, "DeKalb County, Tennessee Genealogy From Administrator’s
Settlement Books 1846-1907", Mountain Press, Signal Mountain, TN, 1992.
1860-20 Feb-Recd of M. T. Martin, clerk $3.17, my full distributive share of my
father Alexander Bane’s estate signed P. D. Joines and Nancy Ann Joines. p 30
DeKalb Co., TN Settlement Book 1854-1865 by Betty Moore Majors, "DeKalb
County, Tennessee Genealogy From Administrator’s Settlement Books
1846-1907", Mountain Press, Signal Mountain, TN, 1992.
1860-13 Mar-Recd of M. T. Martin…in the cause of Alex’r Bane’s estate, my
prorata share of my father’s estate". Signed Mary Ann Smith (formerly
Mary Ann Bayne, wife of A. A. Smith. p 30 DeKalb Co., TN Settlement Book
1854-1865 by Betty Moore Majors, "DeKalb County, Tennessee Genealogy From
Administrator’s Settlement Books 1846-1907", Mountain Press, Signal
Mountain, TN, 1992
1860-16 Mar-Please deliver to Peter Crips my part of my father’s estate,
signed Peter Crips and Sarah Crips. Sarah, wife of Peter Crips, daughter of A.
Baine, decd. p 30 DeKalb Co., TN Settlement Book 1854-1865 by Betty Moore
Majors, "DeKalb County, Tennessee Genealogy From Administrator’s
Settlement Books 1846-1907", Mountain Press, Signal Mountain, TN, 1992.
+ + 2. i. JOHN W.2 BAIN, b. 1807 m Susannah ______.
+ 3. ii. GEORGE W.2 BAIN,
b. 1810 m Nancy ________.
+ 4. iii. MARY ANN2 BAIN,
b. 1812 m1st William Kelley b ca 1805 m2nd 21 Mar 1853 Alexander A. Smith
+ 5. iv. NANCY ANN2 BAIN,
b. 1814 Smith Co., TN m Poindexter Joins.
b. 1816, Smith Co, TN; d. Bet. 1860 - 1870, DeKalb Co., TN.
+ 7. vi. SARAH BAIN b ca 1818 Smith Co., TN m DeKalb Co., TN Peter Crips.
+ 8. vii. MAHALA2 BAIN
b ca 1819 Smith Co., TN m Nathan Braswell.
+ 9. viii. MALINDA J. 2 BAIN, b. 1820 Smith Co., TN m Zenith Crips.
10. ix. SPENCER2 BAIN, b. 1822 Smith Co., TN.
b. 1824 Smith Co., TN m. JOHN STEPHENS, November 27, 1862, DeKalb Co., TN.
+ 12. xi. HARRIETTE MATILDA2 BAIN\, b. 1826 Smith Co., TN m 27 Sep 1849 James
+ 13. xii. JAMES A. 2 BAIN
b. 1829 Smith Co., TN m. Paralee FITE, December 24, 1848, Smithville, DeKalb
Co., TN.
14. xiii. HENRY2 BAIN b. 1832 Smith Co., TN.