In 1980 I attended Woodbadge in the North
Florida Council, and was assigned to the Beaver Patrol. The patrol names
for woodbadge are the same for each course of Woodbadge so once a Beaver always
a Beaver.
Woodbadge was started by Lord Baden-Powell. He taught a group of adults
scouting skills and when they finished he awarded them each a bead on leather
throng from a necklace he had found in Africa. The necklace was thought to
have been owned by a Zulu chief. So the course for adults became known as
Woodbadge. Woodbadgers all over the world have a special relationship.
Once you complete the three weekends of training you have two years to complete
objectives that you have written out. Once you complete those objective
you are awarded two beads. If you serve on a Woodbadge staff you are
awarded three beads good for two years. A four beader is a Woodbadge
Course director and Scoutmaster and is a permanent award. In 1991 I served
as Course Director and Scoutmaster of SE556 in North Florida Council. I am honored to
be a four beader.
The song that is playing "Back to Gilwell" is the official
Woodbadge song.