John Esaw Atnip, b 4 Dec, 1825 in Smith Co,TN d 16
Oct 16, 1901 in Dibrell, Warren Co, TN (Fuston Cemetery)18. He was the
son of Benjamin Atnip and Jemima 'Gemima' Herron?Herring?. He
married Mary Clark October 24, 1850 in DeKalb Co,TN19.
Mary Clark, born September 23, 1831 in Tennessee; died March 28, 1887 in
Smithville, DeKalb Co, TN20. She was the daughter of Benjamin Clark,
Sr. and Mary Hayes. John was a BLACKSMITH.
Notes for John Esaw Atnip:
Cora Ann Jobe Desardins Brown
Elizabeth 'Liz' Marcello
Middle name is sometimes spelled Esau.
1860 TN Census DeKalb Co. Pg. 152
ATNIP, John farmer W H 34 TN
Mary W 29 TN
Virginia fe 8 TN
Tennison fe 7 TN
Jacob W. ma 3 TN
Benjamin ma 0.3 TN
HAYES, Newton M. ma 25 TN
Sampson ma 16 TN
GRACE, Zachariah B. ma 24 TN
John Esaw Atnip was a farmer and a blacksmith on Holmes Creek
in DeKalb Co,Tenn. He went to Texas with John Bethel Cantrell and stayed for a
while before returning to Tennessee. He served in the Mexican War as a
private in Capt. Abram M. Savage's Company F or Third Regiment of Tennessee
Volunteers. This company was mustered into service on Oct 8, 1847 and went to
Vera Cruz, Mexico by way of New Orleans. They did not reach Mexico City until
after its capture, so they were not in the Battle of Mexico City.
John E. Atnip from Thomas Simpson executor of Benjamin Atnip decd. Sd
Benjamin Atnip did die possessed of 370 acres of land in DeKalb Co...Benjamin
willed land to his wife Jemima during her life and at her death to sell
land. Jemima widow of sd Benjamin Atnip departed this life sometime in
year 1851. For $706 paid 370 acres that Benjamin did lived on at his
death. Bordered west by Richmond Williams and Richard McGinnes North by
Richmond Williams, James Bond, and Betsey Cheatham on East by William Meggerson
on south by William Homes, John Titsworth and Richard McGinnis. Thomas
Simpson. Witness W. M. Wade and W. B. Jones. DeKalb Co., TN Deed BK
E p 93.
1860 DeKalb C., TN Agricultural Census Dist 10
Number 4-John Atnip 100 acres improved land, 275 acres unimproved land, $2000
value, $25 vakye farn unokenebt; 2 horses; 1 mule; 2 milk cows; 4 oxen; 4 other
cattle; 16 sheep; 40 swine; $400 value farm animals; farm produce, 150 bushels
wheat, 400 bushels corn, 25 lbs wool, 5 bushels irish potatoes and 15 bushels
sweet potatoes; 10 lbs butter. $100 value of home manufacturing and
$80 worth of animals slaughtered.
John E. Atnip a private of Capt. P. (Prettyman) Jones Co F,
35th Tenn Regt was enlisted by J T Maseor Judge Advocate of the 25th Gen Regt,
at Camp Myers, Overton County Tenn on 23 day of Sept 1861 to serve for one
year. He was born in Smith County Tenn is Thirty six years of age, five
feet nine inches high, dark complexion, black eyes, black hair. and by
occupation when enlisted a farmer. During the last two months said soldier
has been unfit for duty for 60 days by reason of a wound he received in the arm
at the battle of Fishing Creek, KY. Jan 19th 1862 P. Jones Capt Commanding
This is to certify that I have carefully examined John E. Atnip of Capt Jones
Comp and find him uncapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of
gunshot wound in the left arm above the Wrist that renders the whole arm
useless. I think he should be discharged. T. H. Snyear
Suregion 25th Regt. Copied by DM Jones from papers of Mary & Mary
Hayes, Smithville, TN in 1962.
1870 DeKalb Co., TN Agricultural Census Dist 10
John Atnip 55 acres improved land, 175 acres unimproved land, value $2900; $190
value farm implements; $150 wages; 2 horses, 2 mules, 1 milk cow, 2 oxen, 5
other cattle, 25 sheep, 20 swine, value farm animals $595; farm produce, 375
bushel wheat, 500 bushel corn, 80 bushels oats, 100 lbs tobacco, 50 lbs wool, 15
bushel irish potatoes, 5 bushel sweet potatoes, 100 lbs of butter, 175 gallons
molasses, $35 value home manufacturing; $2300 value of animals
slaughtered. $895 total value. In 1870 In District 10 there was 14
out of 39 farmers growing tobacco and only 9 had mules.
1) Mexican War Service Record for John Atnip
2) Civil War Service Record for John Atnip
3) l860 DeKalb Co, TN Census
4) Research of Mitch Jones
5) Benjamin F. Atnip Sunday School Record Book
6) Cemetery Records
7) Thomas G. Webb -Historian of DeKalb Co, TN
8) Diane Toth
A) Bible record of John Esaw Atnip in possession of Viginia Atnip
Children of John Atnip and Mary Clark are:
21 i. Virginia 'Ginny' Atnip, born October 24, 1851 in DeKalb Co,TN; died
January 17, 1912 in DeKalb Co., Tennessee; married (1) John Bethel Cantrell
August 27, 1868 in DeKalb Co,TN; married (2) James Terry Trapp October 02,
1888 in DeKalb Co., Tennessee.
ii. Tennessee Atnip, born May 10, 1853 in DeKalb Co,TN; died October 16, 1896
in DeKalb Co, Tennessee -Fuston Cemetry21; married Mack C. Hayes January
19, 1884 in DeKalb Co, Tennessee.
Notes for Tennessee Atnip:
1) Research of Ruth Linder (March 1999)
A) Willie Tennessee Hayes (Many years ago)-Smithville,
2) Liz Marcello
A) Mitch Jones
3) Diane Toth
A) letter from James Stanton Van Hoosier Sr. to James
Stanton Van Hoosier Jr. -written before 1963
Notes for Mack C. Hayes:
1920 -DeKalb Co, TN Census, District 22, #57 - Holmes
Creek Road
iii. Franklin Chatham Atnip, born July 31, 1855 in DeKalb Co,TN; died October
24, 1856 in DeKalb Co,TN.
iv. Jacob Whitfield 'Jake' Atnip, born September 09, 1857 in DeKalb Co,TN; died
February 20, 1931 in S. of Gainesville, Cooke Co, TX-(Fuston Cemetery in Warren
Co, TN)22; married Elizabeth L. 'Lizzie' Foster August 31, 1882 in Dekalb
Notes for Jacob Whitfield 'Jake' Atnip:
Information in Jan 1999 from Roy Atnip:
Jacob Whitfield Atnip is in fact buried there in the
Fuston Cem., but he died in Cooke County, Texas where he lived with my father
and my father's brother on a farm south of Gainesville. He was gored by a bull
in the barnyard on the farm where I was born some six years after his
death.after he was gored, he never really recovered from the injuries. The
family put him on a train to return his body to Tennessee to be buried with the
wife. The death of the wife, Elizabeth Foster in 1913 was the 'final
straw' in making the decision to come to Texas where the brother of Jacob,
Alexander Jefferson, was at that time. I have the coffee mug that was presented
as a gift to Jacob on his move to Texas. I also have the pottery "Sleepy
Eye" pitcher that some way managed to survive the trip.
1) Cemetery Records--Fuston Cemetery
2) DeKalb Co, TN Records
3) Research of Mitch Jones; Silver Point, TN
4) Reserch of Liz Marcello
A) Roy J. Atnip (1960/70's)
B) Paul Elbert Atnip (1960/70's) of Irving, TX
5) Roy J. Atnip (l998)
6) Diane Toth
A) letter from James Stanton Van Hoosier Sr. to James Stanton
Van Hoosier Jr. -written before 1963
v. Alexander 'Alex' Jefferson Atnip, born June 1860 in DeKalb Co,Tenn; died
March 31, 1936 in Dallas, Dallas, Texas23; married Martha Jane Bonds
December 06, 1883 in DeKalb Co,Tenn.
Notes for Alexander 'Alex' Jefferson Atnip:
1) Liz Marcello
A) Roy Atnip
2) Diane Toth
A) letter from James Stanton Van Hoosier Sr. to James
Stanton Van Hoosier Jr. -written before 1963
vi. Louisiania Atnip, born November 01, 1862 in DeKalb Co,TN; died February
22, 1887 in DeKalb Co,TN24; married William Carroll Van Hoosier
September 09, 1880 in DeKalb Co., Tennessee.
Notes for William Carroll Van Hoosier:
1900 -DeKalb Co, Tn Census (district 18) Second Creek
1) Diane Toth
A) letter from James Stanton Van Hoosier Sr. to James
Stanton Van Hoosier Jr. -written before 1963
2) 1900 DeKalb Co, Tn Census (District 18)
vii. Enoch Stanton Atnip, born July 31, 1865 in DeKalb Co, TN; died March 05,
1887 in DeKalb Co,TN -buried Mt. Holley25; married Rachel F. Dodd July
16, 1885 in Warren Co, Tennessee26.
Notes for Enoch Stanton Atnip:
Inscription on his tombstone reads: "E.S. Atnip,
Born July 31, 1865, Died Mar. 5, 1887. Farewell my wife and child, from you a
Father, Christ doth call." This grave is located in the Mt. Holley Cemetery, near
Smithville, Tn. (This is where the graves from the Center Hill Dam area were
iii. William Esaw 'Willie' Atnip, born August 10, 1870 in Liberty, DeKalb Co,
TTN; died 1880-1889 in Dekalb Co,Tenn.